The Qliphort Archetype in Yu-gi-oh is a recent Archetype of EARTH machine type monsters centered around pendulum summoning and tribute summoning. They were introduced in The New Challengers card pack. This archetype relys heavily on the pedulum summoning mechanic by having pendulum somoned Qli monsters tributed for other Qli monsters which gives them an effect. All Qliphort monsters have levels of 5 to 10 and can be normal summoned (with the exception of Qliphort Scout, Qliphort Monolith, Apoqliphort Skybase, and Apoqliphort Towers) by having their original attack be cut to 1800 and their levels reduced to 4. By tributing, Qliphort monsters gain back their original attack and level and they gain an ability based on what monster you tribute summon.
"Qliphort" is a pun on "Qliphoth", the representation of evil or impure spiritual forces in Jewish mysticism, and "fort". The ten eminations of the Qliphoth form the Qliphoth tree (aka "Tree of Deth"). There is actually a "Tree of Death" in the Qliphort archetype being Qlimate Change. Most currently known Qli monsters are somehow or somewhat related to computing, as inferred from their names and flavor texts ("Access", "Alias", "Archive", "Assembler", "Disk", "Kernel", "Killer", "Shell", "Tool", and "Genome"). "Genome" refers to the genomes of biological organisms, as they bear resemblance with how computers store their data. Each name also referenes a member of the Qliphoth with examples like Qliphort Scout being Tool with the spiritual force Thagirion and the demon Belphegor, and Qliphort Monolith being Assembler with the spiritual force Gamaliel and the demon Lilith. Qliphort Disk and Qliphort Shell are the only Qli monsters who are named after their item translations.
The main strategy is to use Qliphort Scout to gain card advantage, allowing Pendulum Summoning a number of Qli monsters. The effects of Qliphort Carrier and Qliphort Helix trigger when being Tributed, so by using them to Tribute Summon Qliphort Disk, Qliphort Shell or the aces of the archetype: Apoqliphort Towers and Apoqliphort Skybase, which resist card effects of any kind (with the exception of Continuous Effects), can generate further Field Advantage.